Meet Molly Nece

Molly lived most of her life by her will—not by His. She often refers to herself as a recovering 'Type A' personality. In her 20’s, Molly felt that Mary’s pregnancy was “an accident" and that the Bible was filled with fables, each one edited to make society behave a certain way, condemn others, and teach people to live in fear. At the time, her favorite thing to do was socialize and go from man to man in hopes of finding her perfect prince. Her career was shaping up nicely and everything was falling into place—so she thought.
On one life-changing day in 2002, she was invited to a National Prayer Breakfast by a prominent man in her community. She went for one reason—to network—but she left with more than she bargained for. While hundreds were in attendance, a Philadelphia priest, a local pastor, a private boy’s school chaplain, and two church deacons sat down at her
table. Being well-versed in the “natural laws” of the universe, she knew something was going to happen—but what? One event speaker shared a supernatural encounter through his near-death experience, and another speaker shared how he developed and fostered a Christ-like culture in his nationwide snack food manufacturing company. While she was sitting in awe of their stories, the prayers at the end of the event sealed her heart and she could no longer go back to thinking what she thought prior to her arrival—no matter how hard she tried!
Raised Lutheran, Molly was never introduced to the true power of the Holy Spirit. However, with 1700 different Christian denominations worldwide, it was easy for her to understand why and give grace. After sharing her gifts and testimony with one pastor, he responded honestly with, “I’ve only heard about people like you.” It wasn’t until she began diving deeper into the gifts of the spirit at age 40, received and witnessed a few healings, and met three non-judgmental older women fully versed in the Word (and the footnotes in the Bible), that she got back on the path to the land of milk and honey.
Molly didn’t always hear God’s “voice” (the Universe—whatever you call it) clearly. It took her hitting rock bottom after 15 years of marriage. Molly heard the word “unconditional” (love) one morning when looking in the mirror. She also felt in the spirit, “You are going to get to do something together.” She was frustrated, in disbelief, and didn’t want to listen. A few days later, Molly decided to “put her trust in the Lord with her whole heart and lean not on her own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5). To do this, she knew she had to lean in hard. She continued to receive words of knowledge such as “do the work.” Six months later, their marriage was healed—her husband received a Functional Depression & Anxiety diagnosis and underwent four eye surgeries. The doctors were shocked that there was not blunt force trauma to his head to cause his injury. It was his wake-up call that got him on the spiritual path to wellbeing. A men’s bible study, two therapists (who they found out later were former pastors), and a local F3 workout group (Faith, Fitness & Fellowship)—all of which were out of character for him to engage in—helped to carry him the rest of the way.

Molly and her husband now say they are celebrating their 3-year anniversary as husband and wife. The first 15 years were strictly being a mother and father. God chose to miraculously heal her husband’s mind and her heart. God kept His promise! They both now help individuals and couples struggling to find their way by encouraging them to look for signs, wonders, and miracles and discern them—they are all breadcrumbs to the treasure trove.

As a result of her relationship with God (not religion), she now enjoys meeting people wherever they are in their walk to listen and guide them through their trials & tribulations in a way that respects their beliefs. Molly’s job is not to convert; it is to help individuals discern which path to take toward their visions and dreams, manifest them, and, at times, to go into co-creation with them.
Molly believes that there is no one way to God or discovering one’s spiritual gifts and purpose in life. She does know for certain that she is called to do His work on the fringes and remain faithful to the assignment to guide others in their journey. She also knows what it feels like to be judged for her beliefs, or to not be accepted for not being 'Christian' enough or getting it exactly right. Molly believes that grace in the space always wins!
Learn more about her Molly Shines learning programs, adventures, and coaching services. Explore Molly’s secular leadership programs and coaching services HERE.